Our salvation was guaranteed even before the formation of the earth
Though Jesus was born through virgin, Mary, he is God
Salvation is something very precious to God and he cannot allow the Devil and his demons to belittle the wonderful gift of being born again
If we confess our sins through the precious blood of the lamb, we are then redeemed
But if we doubt the power of the blood and the gift of redemption and being born again then we allow the devil to use us as an instrument for his works
We also need to familiarize ourselves with the scriptures to be able to defeat the devil.
(1st Peter 1:18-19)
(2nd Corinthians 5:21)
The blood does not only remove sin but cleanses son’s effect from our lives
1 John1:7
There is peace in the blood of Jesus
Colossians 1:18-20
There is no enmity between you and the Lord because of the blood of the lamb which provides redemption
Revelations 12:11