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Bible Passage

The Great Commission

Date preached

Welcome to Deliverance Church Ngong Road – Karen, we are glad you are here!

In this podcast, we’ll cover four essential aspects of the Great Commission:

1. The Unchanging Message: Discover why the Good News remains constant and why it’s so vital.
2. The Unchanging Recipient: Understand that our mission is to reach out to the lost, just as it has always been.
3. The Urgency of Now: Learn why there’s no time to waste in sharing the message of Christ.
4. The How: Discover how the Holy Spirit can guide you in employing unique strategies for different situations.

Luke 10:2 tells us that the harvest is ready, but the laborers are few. It’s time for believers to rise up and obey the Great Commission. We must pray for the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers.

Evangelism should be our top priority in the Body of Christ. Our church’s vision is to impact lives with the love of Christ, and we’re intentional about reaching out, equipping, and making an impact.

We’ll also share four practical ways to conduct evangelism:

1. Praying and Interceding for the Lost: Let’s selflessly pray for those who are perishing.
2. Being Actively Engaged in Outreach: Think like a salesperson and be deliberate in sharing God’s love.
3. Financing the Gospel: Discover the importance of supporting outreach activities.
4. Using Influence to Protect the Sent: Learn how influential positions can protect missionaries and preserve a nation’s morality.

In today’s world, it’s crucial not to be passive about soul-winning. We must be deliberate and prioritize evangelism.

We’ll also address the unfortunate trend of pushing evangelism to the bottom of priorities in the church. If your gifts, work, passion, or ministry don’t lead souls to Christ, it’s a waste of resources.

We’re reminded that God loved us, and that love should drive us to engage in soul-winning. We explore seven reasons why soul-winning is essential, including the sacrifice of Jesus, the value of a soul, the brevity of life, the reality of eternal damnation, and more.

Soul-winning is not an option; it’s a mandate for every believer. We leave you with an altar call, asking if you’re ready to share God’s heart and take up the quest to bring joy to heaven.

Join us on this journey of faith and obedience to the Great Commission. Like, subscribe, and share this video with others who need to hear this message. Together, we can make an eternal impact.

#GreatCommission #Evangelism #SoulWinning #Faith #LoveOfChrist #Impact

Our Location
At Karen roundabout, turn to the Karen-Ngong road. 200m in, take a turn to your right into a marram road just before the signage written Dojo. The entrance is the 2nd one on your right.
Public means 111, alight at Karen shopping center

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